when i make an interface to represent an options o...
# javascript
when i make an interface to represent an options object for a library, how do i keep the property names stable? the compiler is shortening them. (details in thread)
I'm mapping sortablejs like this:
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package ah.libs

import org.w3c.dom.Element

external object Sortable {

    fun create(el: Element, options: SortableOptions)

    interface SortableOptions {
        val group: String
        val animation: Int
        val forceFallback: Boolean
        val dragClass: String
        val ghostClass: String
        val easing: String
in the script that I'm exporting for the backend to use, I then call this function:
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class MyCode {

    // ...

    fun makeSortable(columnId: String, group: String, dragClass: String, ghostClass: String) {
        val element = document.getElementById(columnId)
        if (element == null) {
            throw Exception("Couldn't find element $columnId")
        } else {
            val myOptions = object: Sortable.SortableOptions {
                override val group = group
                override val animation = 100
                override val forceFallback = true
                override val dragClass = dragClass
                override val ghostClass = ghostClass
                override val easing = "cubic-bezier(0, 0.55, 0.45, 1)"
            Sortable.create(element, myOptions)
            console.log("Made element $columnId sortable")
when I log "myOptions" here, they're messed up
Did you try JsExport?
on the interface itself?
nope, same issue.
this is with it extracted as:
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interface SortableOptions {
    val group: String
    val animation: Int
    val forceFallback: Boolean
    val dragClass: String
    val ghostClass: String
    val easing: String
from the backend, I'm calling my function by creating a script tag (this is a kotlinx.html project)
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fun FlowContent.makeSortable(columnId: String, group: String, dragClass: String, ghostClass: String) {
        script {
            unsafe {
                    window.bundle.makeSortable("$columnId", "$group", "$dragClass", "$ghostClass");
which results in:
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<script>window.bundle.makeSortable("kanban_0", "deals_board", "dragClass", "ghostClass");</script>
changing to data class and annotating with JsName worked:
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data class SortableOptions(
    val group: String,
    val animation: Int,
    val forceFallback: Boolean,
    val dragClass: String,
    val ghostClass: String,
    val easing: String)
when the kotlin team's online though, can you let me know what the best practice is here? why doesn't interface work (even if it has JsName annotations)?
What about such declaration?
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external interface SortableOptions {
    var group: String
    var animation: Int
    var forceFallback: Boolean
    var dragClass: String
    var ghostClass: String
    var easing: String
and such initialization
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val options: SortableOptions = jso {
    this.group = group
    animation = 100
    forceFallback = true
    this.dragClass = dragClass
    this.ghostClass = ghostClass
    this.easing = "cubic-bezier(0, 0.55, 0.45, 1)"
hmm, do you mean jso? my IDE can't find that. and as "js" it gives an error
hm. IDE is definitely not happy. that's in the main kotlin-js project? import js.core.jso fails on "js"
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dependencies {
    // platform declaration
great! that works, as does your earlier suggestion. thanks! i didn't know about the kotlin-wrappers - are there class docs for them somewhere? i'd like to explore -browser, -styled, -web a bit further. source only for now?
- latest Browser declarations. Most classes and members has MDN links.
Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.18.00.png
gotcha, thanks
To exclude default DOM API wrappers you can use this flag
got it. is the idea to merge the wrappers into the mainline codebase at some point?
We have more regular releases (3 releases yesterday for example). It's fine to be library :)
Fair enough. Deprecate the stuff in main, maybe? It's not well documented and not obvious that they exist. Would be great to have better docs around them