How to construct java sealed class in kotlin? It's...
# getting-started
How to construct java sealed class in kotlin? It's will
Sealed types cannot be instantiated
when try to init
You cannot instantiate a sealed class much less that you can instantiate an enum without a value. There is no such thing as 'just' a 'Planet class' in the
enum planet { EARTH, MARS, etc. }
What do you want to achieve? A sealed hierarchy or a class that cannot be subclassed?
I can init java sealed class in java but not in kotlin. It's "Java Sealed Class" instead of kotlin one
The Java equivalent Kotlin sealed class is an abstract class. You can't instantiate a sealed class for the same reason you cab't instantiate an abstract class
What is a java sealed class?
Ah, new in Java 15.
I see. Kotlin assumes sealed classes are always abstract, so can't be instantiated, where Java doesn't have such a limitation.
So, in Java, you can instantiate the base class if it isn't abstract, but in Kotlin you can't.
You can get around this by creating a utility method in Java that does the instantiation, but it appears you can't do it in pure Kotlin.
Copy code
sealed class Foo permits Bar {
    static @NotNull Foo instance() {
        return new Foo();
Then in Kotlin, you can call Foo.instance()
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