Hi, is this a bad practice: I've implemented Muta...
# compose
Hi, is this a bad practice: I've implemented MutableStateFlow delegates like this
Copy code
inline operator fun <T> StateFlow<T>.getValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value

inline operator fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.setValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
    this.value = value
And I use the variable like this:
var state by MutableStateFlow("foo")
On compose side:
val state = viewModel.state
I know I cannot call
here. But what difference does it make here?
The difference is that you are just reading the current state on recomposition. You are not subscribing to the changes emitted by the flow
this means that any change on the viewModel.state won't trigger recomposition?
Maybe using something like this will fix it?
val state by remember { mutableStateOf(viewModel.state) }
🚫 1
No, that won't fix it. If your state is a Flow, you have to collect it to be able to see (react to) new changes.
remember { mutableStateOf(viewModel.state) }
will actually be even worse because you'll get just the first value on every composition.
yeah you're right. okay got it. thanks for answering my silly question 🙃
No problem ☺️ Concepts of state and recomposition are hard from the beginning but once it clicks, it should be fine