I'd like to create some sort of website, with embe...
# random
I'd like to create some sort of website, with embedded Kotlin snippets, for driving the workflow of a simulation to be run on HPC which involves several steps. Right now, our researchers have to: • use virtual environments for python to run utility software for converting data forth and back between different formats and other mechanical tasks • copy/paste data forth and back from local to HPC via terminal or the GUI • run calculation remotely on HPC via bash • reviewing the intermediate results and then re-run the last step if quality is insufficient or run the next otherwise (this logic can be programmed) • in the future, with a git for data, there will be also saving/committing in between the intermediate steps My main intent is to provide to the end users everything in one place (using a website or an app) and kill any context switching for the most common workflows, using Kotlin DSLs for configuring the different steps, with additional buttons and checkbox for additional options I'm thinking roughly on something like a kotlin jupyter notebook on steroids.. is anyone aware if something similar exists or is already been tried?
no, I mean a (kotlin) jupyter with button and options for driving some workflow