Made scrollbar always visibile in ScalingLazyColum...
# compose-wear
Made scrollbar always visibile in ScalingLazyColumn -->
Hi, my app was rejected during review process for the following error:
"Issue found: Missing scrollbar
Your app does not display the scroll bar when the user interacts with a scrollable view. For more information, see Show the scrollbar."
I was wondering if you could suggest me how to keep the scrollbar always visible instead of showing it only during scroll, thanks :).
I hope that isn't what they are asking for
It should only be when scrolling
It's already visible only when scrolling :(
Check all screens, then appeal.
👍 1
I'll do, thanks
Hi @yschimke, your hypothesis was right: the scrollbar was missing in one page and the app is now rejected for other reason XD Thanks :D
It is impossible for us to release for wearOS. In 1.2.0, chips are not scaling correctly when the user increases the font size. In 1.3.0-beta01, the scrollbar is no longer displayed when scrolling with the crone. Both reasons why Google rejects the app - thanks to Google for rejecting the app because of bugs in their own code...
You shoudn't use beta lib in your production channel...btw i'm using horologist 0.5.12 and google didn't reject my app because of scrollbar
Yeah, but the last stable version lacks the scaling which was added in 1.3.0-beta01 > Chip and ToggleChip now adjust their height to accommodate content that has grown due to large fonts for accessibility. And yes we can use horologist, but then we need to pull it in, only for this. And the horologist library causes crashes, when the users rotates the crown during app start.
I don't reproduce that crash during app start
Can you report that bug with crown rotation. Happy to try to fix it. But think it's the first I've heard of it.
for horologist or compose-wear?
I guess whereever you think it's caused. Or horologist if unsure.
In compose-wear we have the problem, that the PositionIndicator is no longer shown with 1.3.0-beta01 and with horologist we found crashes when the crown is rotated on app start. So which issue do you mean? 😄
If you mean the horologist bug, I’m sry I don’t have a GitHub-Acc so I cannot report the bug..
This function is what is used in the stable branch of horologist to resize the Chips for font scaling.
Copy code
/** Adjusts height of the chip as per the font scale. */
public fun Modifier.adjustChipHeightToFontScale(fontScale: Float, padding: Dp = 0.dp): Modifier =
    if (fontScale > 1.06) {
        this.then(Modifier.height(60.dp + padding))
    } else {
There are a lot of Google apps using the Wear Compose and Horologist code, so it definitely can work. Not sure why not for you. If you can officially report the bugs then we will fix them.
Ok, have now converted it to horlogist again and it looks like it no longer occurs in the latest version. It’s still silly that the PostitionIndicator is no longer displayed without horogist since 1.3.0.