So it worked. I added the variables to the environ...
# kobweb
So it worked. I added the variables to the environment variables of the run configuration And added all the environment variables to the app globals
Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 11.39.42 PM.png
Fantastic! Great, fast work, and a nice way to verify that it's working. For security purposes, I'd recommend filtering out only the env var you need. Otherwise, who knows if you'll accidentally ship a private API key someday that someone put into an env var on a CI.
Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 11.40.22 PM.png
should do it?
Yeah, that's true. I would take note of that. Thank you very much
Note that convention recommends your env var be ALL_CAPS. And you might want to choose something a bit less generic than "ENVIRONMENT", maybe "XYZ_ENVIRONMENT" where "XYZ" is replaced with the name of your site?
🙌 1
You're very welcome. Keep up the good work!
💪 1
This App globals will also work for that docker implementation, I'll just pull them from the
file instead of using the BuildConfig gradle plugin
Yes, it should
Not too much magic here -- you're basically informing the Kobweb Application Gradle Plugin which then just hardcodes those values in its generated main.kt file in a way that your site can then query them back later.
(Search your build/ directory for
if you want to see it yourself)
Awesome, I'll check it out.
I'm sorry to ask a question on this stale thread. But I was trying to get an environment variable, but for some reason my run fails because of this error
Copy code
PS C:\Workspace\...\....\....\site> export BASE_URL=<>; kobweb run
export : The term 'export' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ export BASE_URL=<>; kobweb run
+ ~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (export:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
I found out it happens because I'm on a windows and the
command is for linux machines. But when I run
set BASE_URL=<>; kobweb run
the project won't recognize my environment variable... What could be the issue, any idea?
Sorry, nvm my question as I found I could easily use the command
$env:BASE_URL="<>"; kobweb run
👍 1