"Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's a library a...
# multiplatform
"Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's a library available for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) that replicates the sharing functionality similar to what Android offers. For example, in Android, we can share a link using
Intent shareIntent =Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, null); startActivity(shareIntent)
. Is there an equivalent approach or library in KMP for this purpose?"
What makes KMP spicy and trendy is that you can still do that in your same Android code. Just pass a delegate interface to KMP. From KMP invoke the onClick button that triggers this action. In the actual Android implementation, use this exact code. In iOS do the proper iOS code
I plan to follow the approach you've recommended. However, before I start coding from scratch, I'm curious to know if there exists a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library that already addresses this specific issue?
I am not sure if one of the recommended navigation libraries support this type of system navigation. You can ask about this in #appyx or #decompose channels or PreCompose, Voyager or Circuit GitHub repos. I haven't seen anything yet but is possible some of this library manage that. But I am not aware of anything like this yet
Thanks for your suggestion @Pablichjenkov CC @Suresh Maidaragi
👍 1
If a closed source solution is OK for you, we have an Android-alike API for KMP; supports Intents, Activities, lifecycle etc. Happy to share a link, but I've pasted it recently here & don't want to spam 😉 - will DM you if you are interested?
👍 1
@Jan Holešovský It would be great if you could share the same.
Sent the link via DM
👎 1
@Jan Holešovský The resource you provided doesn't appear to be relevant to the specified problem. It seems like you might be promoting your product, which is not welcomed. 👎
I've asked if you were interested in closed source solution to your problem, you said you were, so I've sent you the info. It makes your original
Intent shareIntent =Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, null); startActivity(shareIntent)
compile and work on iOS, so I believe it is relevant. I'm sorry if you find it not helpful.