I just switched a project to amper to test it out,...
# amper
I just switched a project to amper to test it out, it seems to be working fine except one thing: when I press
to run the current file, the run configuration it auto-generates has the wrong classpath module (
instead of
) and fails to load the main class. If I edit the configuration and switch it to
it runs fine, but the auto-generate always picks the wrong one, so I'd have to fix it every time. I tend to use this shortcut a lot when working on
advent of code
in kotlin. Is there a workaround for this?
yes, I created a ticket for it: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/AMPER-264/Kotlin-run-configurations-not-working-in-amper-layout , feel free to update (I’m also using Amper for AoC 🙂 ) Workaround is to move caret inside
before launching - at least that’s what works for me
👍 1
ah thanks. i eventually figured out that workaround, but it means scrolling around trying to find the
function, so hopefully they fix it soon
yes black 1