```C++ // deriv_VirtualFunctions2.cpp // compile w...
# getting-started
Copy code
// deriv_VirtualFunctions2.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
  virtual void NameOf();  // Virtual function.
  void InvokingClass();  // Nonvirtual function.

// Implement the two functions.
void Base::NameOf() {
  cout << "Base::NameOf\n";

void Base::InvokingClass() {
  cout << "Invoked by Base\n";

class Derived : public Base {
  void NameOf();  // Virtual function.
  void InvokingClass();  // Nonvirtual function.

// Implement the two functions.
void Derived::NameOf() {
  cout << "Derived::NameOf\n";

void Derived::InvokingClass() {
  cout << "Invoked by Derived\n";

int main() {
  // Declare an object of type Derived.
  Derived aDerived;

  // Declare two pointers, one of type Derived * and the other
  // of type Base *, and initialize them to point to aDerived.
  Derived *pDerived = &aDerived;
  Base  *pBase  = &aDerived;

  // Call the functions.
  pBase->NameOf();      // Call virtual function.
  pBase->InvokingClass();  // Call nonvirtual function.
  pDerived->NameOf();    // Call virtual function.
  pDerived->InvokingClass(); // Call nonvirtual function.
how to convert this c++ to kotlin?
Probably a good idea to try giving this to ChatGpt or similar first before posting it here. It's unlikely that someone will do a translation for you, especially when there isn't a clear attempt that you've made at it or a very specific part that you're unable to translate
Plenty of helpful people here, but none are going to do you the disservice of completing your homework for you. Try answering these questions first: Why do you want to convert this to Kotlin? Have you tried to convert it yourself? What stops you from converting it?
1. I am summarizing the similarities to C++ and Kotlin
2. I have tried to convert it myself, but result is wrong
How was it wrong?
3. I can not use Chatgpt, because my phone number do not support to sign in. can you help me with your Chatgpt account? or tell me your password to try?
If you need ChatGPT to do this right, you're definitely not qualified to summarize the similarities between C++ and Kotlin.
4. I use google bard and other AI, the result is wrong.
Do you understand the C++ code?
I know, my C++ code result is:
Invoked by Base
Invoked by Derived
So you don't understand how it works?
I don't know how to convert it to Kotlin.
If you understood C++ and Kotlin, this honestly would be trivial. If you don't understand one or the other, then I can see why you're struggling.
Is this for coursework? If so, I strongly suggest talking to your teacher, a tutor, or a TA to get direct one-on-one help with understanding it.
google bard gives me these converted code:
// Base.kt
open class Base {
// Abstract function
open fun nameOf() {
// Non-abstract function
fun invokingClass() {
println("Invoked by Base")
// Derived.kt
class Derived : Base() {
override fun nameOf() {
override fun invokingClass() {
println("Invoked by Derived")
fun main() {
val aDerived = Derived()
val pDerived = aDerived
val pBase: Base = aDerived
// Call functions
pBase.nameOf() // Output: Derived::nameOf
pBase.invokingClass() // Output: Invoked by Base
pDerived.nameOf() // Output: Derived::nameOf
pDerived.invokingClass() // Output: Invoked by Derived
But kotlin playground print Error:
Think about what override means, and what the error message is telling you. It looks almost correct. Think about what
how not to be final in
and override invokingClass in
I do not deep understand kotlin, ok?
Take a little time to read over the documentation. This section in particular should help you get a deeper understanding of how it works.
after read hard, I can not still solve. please help me. @Daniel Pitts
Final clue: The code is missing an
, on one of the functions.
I have tried before, the result is wrong. Have you tried by yourself? please, @Daniel Pitts
Okay, this actually is an interesting difference between C++ and Kotlin. Basically, if you just try to do:
Copy code
open class Base {
  fun notOverrideable() { }
class Derived : Base {
  fun notOverrideable() { }
then you get an error because `Derived`'s method shadows
's method without overriding it. The way to actually do that same behaviour in Kotlin is through extension methods. So hence, your example would look like:
Copy code
open class Base {
    // Abstract function
    open fun nameOf() {
// Non-abstract function
fun Base.invokingClass() {
    println("Invoked by Base")

class Derived : Base() {
    override fun nameOf() {

fun Derived.invokingClass() {
    println("Invoked by Derived")

fun main() {
    val aDerived = Derived()
    val pDerived = aDerived
    val pBase: Base = aDerived
    // Call functions
    pBase.nameOf() // Output: Derived::nameOf
    pBase.invokingClass() // Output: Invoked by Base
    pDerived.nameOf() // Output: Derived::nameOf
    pDerived.invokingClass() // Output: Invoked by Derived
do you know how to convert to typescript too?
@Daniel Pitts @Youssef Shoaib [MOD] please help me. I have tried to convert to typescript, but fail.....
Do your own homework.
@anlex N recently ChatGpt does not require registration by phone
@Jose Antonio Campillo Can you help me to try?
Now I have tried with chatgpt, but result is wrong,
No one here is going to do your homework for you. I strongly recommend seeking help from your teacher or tutors. Please do not
me again, as I no longer wish to engage with you on this topic. I hope you're able to get the help you need.