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# webassembly
Hello good morning! I'm new to this Slack: is this the right channel to discuss Kotlin wasm on the server side? One part of our company makes heavy use of Kotlin on the server side. For a number of reasons we are keen to move runtime from the jvm to wasm.
Hello and welcome! You are in the right channel
You can find some experiments with kotlin/wasm on the server side here: https://github.com/kowasm/kowasm
Thank you @Robert Jaros !
curious. Moving to wasi??? or to wasm with nodeJs??
We are curious about WASI as a common standard.
Reading the code has been very valuable, thanks again @Robert Jaros. So, it looks like we would need to maintain our own version of the wasi interface in our projects.
I wonder if there is any plan for Jetbrains to maintain an official version?
is any plan for JetBrains to maintain an official version?
It’s an interesting idea, but I don’t think many people will want to use the raw version of WASI interface. We use it internally for functions in our standard library, like printing, time, and RNG. Libraries for input/output, like okio, might use it to implement their existing file and network interfaces. In the upcoming WASI preview 2, anyone will be able to generate any WASI interface from .wit files, and build on top of them.
thanks @Svyatoslav Kuzmich [JB]! We didn't realise that the standard library would work with wasi compliant runtimes like wasmer, wasmtime etc. We also like the ability to generate interfaces from .wit files.