We are migrating a large Swing application to comp...
# compose-desktop
We are migrating a large Swing application to compose desktop and are intending to embed compose components within the existing Swing UI, e.g. a Composable component with TextFields into a Swing container like JPanel. We are using a ComposePanel to do this, and that works fine. The individual compose components can be unit-tested OK with ComposeTestRule. However, we need higher level tests of the application containing both the Swing components and the new components which means sending keyboard & mouse input to the "embedded" compose components and also reading their state. Does anyone know a way to do this? Ideally we'd like the matchers and assertions provided by ComposeTestRule, but which would be available even if the composable is contained in a ComposePanel or ComposeWindow.
I don’t think that’s possible. In a test the compose content isn’t put in a real window, so you can’t have Swing there.
You could maybe do something via the accessibility API. I know there are testing frameworks which utilize that to find, affect and check the state of UI elements.
But I’m not 100% sure that accessibility will work correctly when mixing Swing and Compose.
Thanks very much for your response. However the examples I've seen using the accessibility API either all involve ComposeTestRule or are not applicable for Desktop. Below is a simple example of what we are trying to achieve. The state of MyTextField can be easily unit-tested using ComposeTestRule:
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule() @Test fun `text field should be initialised to bar and also editable`() { with (composeTestRule) { setContent { MyTextField() } onNodeWithText("bar").assertExists() onNodeWithTag("myTextField").performTextInput("foo ") onNodeWithText("foo bar").assertExists() } }
@Preview fun MyTextField() { var text by remember { mutableStateOf("bar") } MaterialTheme { TextField( value =text, onValueChange = { changedText -> text = changedText println("changedText = ${changedText}") }, modifier = Modifier.testTag("myTextField") ) } } but when it's embedded in a JFrame using ComposePanel, how does one programatically perform the same sort of interactions and checks?
fun main() {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { val composePanel = ComposePanel().apply { setContent { MyTextField() } } with(JFrame("compose test")) { add(composePanel) setSize(400, 200) isVisible = true } } }