Not sure if I'm missing something here but I have ...
# getting-started
Not sure if I'm missing something here but I have
data class Person(val phoneNumbers: List<String>, val metaData: String)
and then a list of people ( ie
val people: List<Person>
) and I wanna map it into a single list of phone numbers. That's easy right?
people.flatMap{ it.phoneNumbers }
cool. that makes sense. but now I actually want to flat map it into a list of phone numbers, and with each phone number I want to attach a piece of metaData so the final type is List<PairString, String. Any ideas?
something like:
people.flatMap { person -> { it to person.metaData } }
person.metaData to it
, depending on which side of the Pair the phonenumber should be
Phone number should be on the left, and meta data on the right. Hm. Could it be as simple as a map inside of the flatmap!? let me try 🙏
yeah, i think that just about does it. thank you so much @Riccardo Lippolis i wouldn't have thought of that. i was just looking for a different operator in general. lol
👍 1
Do you have repeated phones? If not, probably you should go with a Map and use any group API
id have to check actually, but thanks for the idea Javier