hi ! Has anyone interfaced `Apple CryptoKit` into...
# multiplatform
hi ! Has anyone interfaced
Apple CryptoKit
into a kmp library ? My research lead me to how to use swift only code in kmp, Looking for already packaged lib 😄
What do you want to achieve? If you are just searching for something, you'd be better off googling or asking chatgpt; if you want to solve a problem, describe the problem 😉
I'm want to use
encryption in my kotlin commode module these alg are offered by
Apple CryptoKit
for ios But It's a known problem with kmp that we can't use swift only libraries in kotlin The workarounds i found : https://dev.to/ttypic/going-swiftly-using-a-swift-only-libraries-in-your-kotlin-multiplatform-app-1ml9 https://github.com/KodeinKoders/playground-SwiftLib-in-KMMLib Before i try using these i'm looking for an open source library that already implemented this and exposed
Apple CryptoKit
to kmp common code
If your main concern are these two algorithms, then maybe using openssl would be a viable alternative for you? Integrating BoringSSL (a fork of OpenSSL - https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/) into KMP is reasonably easy, can post some pointers here if you are interested.
yeah if i can import this library into a kmp module (common or ios target) would be great would appreciate any snippets !
@Ahmed na I'm using the BoringSSL in https://github.com/kendy/Kotlin-Native-BigDecimal . To build BoringSSL, here are my notes: https://github.com/kendy/Kotlin-Native-BigDecimal/blob/master/bignum/README.md To actually import it then into your project using cinterops, see https://github.com/kendy/Kotlin-Native-BigDecimal/blob/master/build.gradle.kts Then when you want to actually use that, see https://github.com/kendy/Kotlin-Native-BigDecimal/blob/master/src/iosMain/kotlin/kendy/math/NativeBN.kt where I call the BoringSSL API
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