could someone be so kind to give me some further e...
# detekt
could someone be so kind to give me some further explanation / examples, when using "implicit default locale" is a bad practice? (for rule ImplicitDefaultLocale)
It makes sense to me, to use specific locale for some data transfer (DTO). But I'm not completely sure, when it's a bad practice otherwise. I guess it's to use the default locale, when displaying some text on the UI?
If your code depends on system locale, then deploying into a new environment may cause unintended side-effects. Can happen if you move between on-premise servers and cloud, change how you package your application, etc. Not sure about android aspects of this.
I see. I guess same could apply for some business logic on frontend clients.
My view is that sometimes it is wrong to use the default locale and sometimes it is not. I'm guessing it is more often wrong on a server than on a client app. When you want to use the default locale, manually using it shows that it was an intentional decision and not something forgotten which might be a bug.
👍 1