sometimes Kotlin Native requires a specific versio...
# kotlin-native
sometimes Kotlin Native requires a specific version of Xcode (e.g. Is there a way to see what version of Xcode is intended for a specific Kotlin version?
thanks Artem
I've got Xcode 15.0 installed, but apparently Kotlin/Native requires 14.2 to fix KT-57848, so I guess there's a mismatch with the docs
How so? KT-57848 was fixed in 1.8.21
I'm trying to build a C/C++ lib using run_konan and I'm bumping into the same error message
Then it’s probably a different issue.
ah I see, there are related commits in the issue that have a workaround of adding
-Dat_quick_exit=atexit -Dquick_exit=exit
. I can try adding that...
ahh yes, that worked!
I bumped into this issue again and I forgot how to fix it, but I couldn't find this message, so I'm adding some more text so it's easier to search for in the future :) • no member named 'quick_exit' in the global namespace • no member named 'at_quick_exit' in the global namespace
Copy code
~/.konan/dependencies/apple-llvm-20200714-macos-aarch64-essentials/bin/clang -B/Applications/ -fno-stack-protector -target arm64-apple-macos10.16 -isysroot /Applications/ -fPIC -D__ENVIRONMENT_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__=__ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ -DTARGET_OS_OSX=1 @args -c /Users/dev/projects/interop/src/main/cpp/DebugRendererPlayback.cpp
Exception in thread "main" org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.KonanExternalToolFailure: The ~/.konan/dependencies/apple-llvm-20200714-macos-aarch64-essentials/bin/clang command returned non-zero exit code: 1.
In file included from Users/dev/projects/interop/src/main/cpp/DebugRendererPlayback.cpp:5:
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ error: no member named 'at_quick_exit' in the global namespace
using ::at_quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS;
/Applications/ error: no member named 'quick_exit' in the global namespace
using ::quick_exit _LIBCPP_USING_IF_EXISTS;