The recently published <Ashampoo XMP Core v0.2.4> ...
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The recently published Ashampoo XMP Core v0.2.4 includes enhanced error handling capabilities, enabling it to gracefully bypass issues such as duplicated fields to process a greater number of files. This update diverges from its source, Adobe XMP Core 5.1.3, known for its strictness that results in the exclusion of certain files during the reading process. The motivation behind this modification is to empower our photo organizer Ashampoo Photos to extract metadata from files, even those that are slightly corrupted. To align with this advancement, Ashampoo Kim, our *K*otlin *I*mage *M*etadata library, has been upgraded to v0.7.6, incorporating the latest XMP Core version for improved functionality.
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I removed the other two Slack previews to make this post not too long. Is this change only effective for me or for everyone?
it's for everyone ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Sorry, couldn't resist
This is getting really old. ๐Ÿฅฑ
@Big Chungus I might have chosen a different name, too. ๐Ÿคท If you're interested in a bit of history: The company's name is actually derived from "shampoo". In its early days, one of the primary products was Ashampoo UnInstaller, and the CEO at the time coined the phrase "A shampoo cleans better than a sweeper" to draw a comparison with CleanSweep, a major competitor at that time. Another consideration was that the name should come first when sorted alphabetically, hence the need for it to start with "a". By the way, "Google" is derived from "Googol". ๐Ÿ˜„
I have nothing against the name choice, in fact I think it's quite clever! It's just that whenever I see it I can't help but think about that meme ๐Ÿ˜…
Having witnessed those kinds of memes countless times, both I and my colleagues at Ashampoo find it challenging to muster the same enthusiasm for a laugh. ๐Ÿ˜‰
I bet!