Not necessarily a Ktor question, but I'm getting a...
# ktor
Not necessarily a Ktor question, but I'm getting an error that
suspend function can only be called from a coroutine
when I try using Arrow's Either.fold inside of `post {...}`:
Copy code
fun Route.doTheThing(client: Client) {
  post() {
    Either.catchOrThrow<Exception, DoTheThingRequestBody> {
        { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid email") },
          val response = client.doThing(
          call.respondText(response.bodyAsText(), ContentType.Application.Json, response.status)
Compiler doesn't like the
calls. Do I need to somehow use an explicit receiver to disambiguate? Can't seem to figure this out :|
The compilator is able to compile the following code:
Copy code
data class DoTheThingRequestBody(val x: Int)

fun Route.doTheThing(client: HttpClient) {
    post {
        Either.catchOrThrow<Exception, DoTheThingRequestBody> {
                { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid email") },
                    val response = client.get("")
                    call.respondText(response.bodyAsText(), ContentType.Application.Json, response.status)
doh! wow, thank you @Aleksei Tirman [JB] Really appreciate the reply, as always