Hey all, I’m trying to compile a trivial kotlin fi...
# javascript
Hey all, I’m trying to compile a trivial kotlin file to javascript using the kotlinc CLI and have been hitting a consistent error when using the IR compiler, however the program compiles fine using the legacy compiler. I’m using v1.8 (though have confirmed the same behaviour on the latest 1.9.21). Kotlin file:
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package kotlinjs.validators

private val NAME_REGEX = Regex("[a-zA-Z0-9-.' ]{1,26}")

fun validateName(name: String): Boolean = 
Using legacy compiler works fine:
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$ kotlinc-js -Xuse-deprecated-legacy-compiler -output validators.js Validators.kt
Using IR compiler:
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$ kotlinc-js -verbose -Xir-produce-js -Xgenerate-dts -output validators.js Validators.kt      
ERROR: Exception while analyzing expression in (3,29) in /Users/armon/src/github.com/kotlin-js/Validators.kt

java.lang.AssertionError: Built-in class kotlin.String is not found
Any pointers would be appreciated 🙂
If you use
without Gradle, you should provide all the used libraries manually. There are a few links, that could help you: https://github.com/compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer/issues/4551 https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-49894
🙌 1
Very much appreciate the help, Artem! Solved my problem, thank you - googling was getting me nowhere
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