Getting a `CacheMissException` in StarWars sample ...
# apollo-kotlin
Getting a
in StarWars sample ( after moving to v4 (didn't notice when I updated at time as it was using cache I believe)....version in repo is
but see same issue with beta-4. It could be some migration step missing perhaps but just in case any obvious things to look out for? More in 🧵
Copy code
-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: Process: dev.johnoreilly.starwars.androidApp, PID: 10990
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: com.apollographql.apollo3.exception.CacheMissException: Object 'QUERY_ROOT' has no field named 'allPeople'
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.api.DefaultCacheResolver.resolveField(CacheResolver.kt:97)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.api.FieldPolicyCacheResolver.resolveField(CacheResolver.kt:188)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.api.internal.CacheBatchReader.toMap(CacheBatchReader.kt:115)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.api.OperationCacheExtensionsKt.readInternal(OperationCacheExtensions.kt:78)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.api.OperationCacheExtensionsKt.readDataFromCache(OperationCacheExtensions.kt:41)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.DefaultApolloStore$readOperation$2.invoke(DefaultApolloStore.kt:103)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.DefaultApolloStore$readOperation$2.invoke(DefaultApolloStore.kt:102)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.DefaultApolloStore.readOperation(DefaultApolloStore.kt:102)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.ApolloCacheInterceptor.readFromCache(ApolloCacheInterceptor.kt:209)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.ApolloCacheInterceptor.access$readFromCache(ApolloCacheInterceptor.kt:38)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.ApolloCacheInterceptor$interceptQuery$1.invokeSuspend(ApolloCacheInterceptor.kt:194)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.ApolloCacheInterceptor$interceptQuery$1.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.apollographql.apollo3.cache.normalized.internal.ApolloCacheInterceptor$interceptQuery$1.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
12-13 17:18:28.994 10990 10990 E AndroidRuntime: 	at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SafeFlow.collectSafely(Builders.kt:61)
key part of this seems to be
CacheMissException: Object 'QUERY_ROOT' has no field named 'allPeople'
but v4 shouldn't throw 🤔
it's quite likely I missed something in the migration
oh you use
so it's normal that it throws in that case actually
so in v4 caches misses are emitted... so you should probably filter them out from the watch:
Copy code
apolloClient.query(query).watch().filter { it.exception == null }
ok, thanks, I'll try that
(it's this paragraph in the migration guide)
so I shouldn't use
any more (or
which is current version of that it seems) ?
nvm, that looks, with that filter it's now working, thanks!
🎉 1
so I shouldn't use
any more
it depends, it could be useful in some cases 🙂 But the difference is that previously in v3, the cache miss would not have been emitted, so it would not have thrown.