Sometimes I have a `mapOf`... ```val myMap = m...
# ktlint
Sometimes I have a
Copy code
val myMap =
        "foo" to computeFoo(),
        "bar" to computeBar(),
        "baz" to computeBaz(),
...and I'd like to add comments to it explaining what groups of mapping are for:
Copy code
val myMap =
        // a comment about "foo"
        "foo" to computeFoo(),

        // a comment about "bar" and "baz"
        "bar" to computeBar(),
        "baz" to computeBaz(),
However, ktlint complains:
Unexpected blank line(s) in value argument list
I tried disabling this with `.editorconfig`:
Copy code
ktlint_no-blank-line-in-list = disabled
but that doesn't seem to work. ktlint still complains about the blank lines. How can I get it to ignore them?