Hello, I got a few questions regarding Compose for...
# compose-ios
Hello, I got a few questions regarding Compose for iOS: • How does it look when it comes to releasing an application on the App Store? Are there already applications on the store using Compose for iOS? • What about the Swift SDK change during the software update from Apple's side? • What about the security of releasing a product on the Apple Store? • Will there be possible crashes related to the SDK change after releasing a new version of iOS?
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I can only partially answer #1, tivi has an app in testflight, not sure if they made a real release too 👀
I think droidcon versions were written in compose for iOS. ( iOS, macos ) https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/touchlab/id1345658721 https://github.com/touchlab/DroidconKotlin
Thanks! It is very interesting questions! • Some Apps already released with Compose for iOS to AppStore • For now Kotlin works with ObjC and C interop. There are now Swift limitation at this moment. • Compose if mainly UI layer, and for client-side application. We are doing features for password input TextFields. Also you can Combine Compose with existing iOS UIView's - and they will work the same as a Native iOS Application. So - you can control security. • At current moment we don't see crashes after updating to new versions of iOS.
About crashes, what if apple release new iOS, 18 for example?
We uses Apple platform API with ObjC interop. And don't use reflection, etc. So - our code should be stable as Apple API changes. We can't give guaranties for now. Because Compose for iOS is in alpha status. But it is good question for next milestones. To be compatible with upcomming iOS updates while they don't released.
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