Hi guys! Is there any way to launch a desktop app ...
# compose-desktop
Hi guys! Is there any way to launch a desktop app on system startup? At least on Windows and macOS?
It’s out of scope for Compose itself, but you can look into launching apps on startup in general, or maybe JVM apps in particular.
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I had to do this for my app. And it boiled down to do it myself per platform.
On windows it is a registry key away e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/385797
On mac, creating a plist file in the right directory was enough https://stackoverflow.com/a/3358472
I intend to do it for linux as well. It should be possible according to this but I'm not sure how well this is supported across DEs https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html
Thank you! I'll look into it
It can sometimes be done by packaging tools. If you use Conveyor it's one line of config: https://conveyor.hydraulic.dev/13.1/configs/windows/#appwindowsstart-on-login
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But only for Windows ... for macOS/Linux it's not done.
Yep, in my use case it's not the default and users control if the app is started on launch. In any case I prefer to handle this in the app code
You can launch it always (with a special flag), and then have the app check whether it should start on launch and shut down if not.
Yeah I understand but ... meh 🙂
It’s an imperfect world 🤷‍♂️
Indeed, and that's perfectly fine
I’m building a library (wip) to handle easily launch at login on JVM target: • Windows uses registry
• MacOS uses .plist file in LaunchAgents folder • Linux to be done And I will add the possibility to add custom flags. If you want to take a look: https://github.com/vinceglb/AutoLaunch
It’s great, but we need to know the location of our app in the system in order to config AutoLaunch properly. • On Windows it’s the MyApp.exe location • On macOS it’s something like MyApp/Contents/MacOS/MyApp location I don't know how to get during runtime the location of this file. In Flutter, they have something like
for this. Do you know how I can get this?
I'm using:
Copy code
val ownExecutable = File(ProcessHandle.current().info().command().get())

val isRunningFromDistributable: Boolean =
    ownExecutable.nameWithoutExtension != "java"
Oh it’s working great! I was struggling on that, thank you 🙏
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