Looks like ktor-network doesn't support TLSv1.3 ye...
# ktor
Looks like ktor-network doesn't support TLSv1.3 yet: https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/blob/main/ktor-network/ktor-network-tls/jvm/src/io/ktor/network/tls/TLSVersion.kt -- how difficult would it be to add support for it? I need to connect to a server that only supports 1.3.
If you only need JVM support you can use the OkHttp engine with Conscrypt: https://gist.github.com/Karewan/4b0270755e7053b471fdca4419467216
Or the Java Client with JVM 11+. But I miss it for native/tls calls too. Same HTTP/2.
My application protocol is not HTTP.
I'm using sockets from the ktor network layer directly
hey Raman, I can probably implement it for an EAP build in 1-2 weeks if you want to test it out. I've been doing some work on implementing the server side of the 1.2 handshake for the sake of better tests and the 1.3 handshake is a bit simpler so theoretically should be easy to introduce