Hi I'm wondering if I have reached a limitation, b...
# getting-started
Hi I'm wondering if I have reached a limitation, bug or just a misunderstation of Kotlin. I'm trying to overwrite a function that is being used by another function implemented by a delegated implementation, like shown below:
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interface Run {
    fun printA()
    fun printWith(value: String)

val DefaultRun = object: Run {
    override fun printA() = printWith("value")
    override fun printWith(value: String) = println("Hello with: $value")

class Custom: Run by DefaultRun {
    override fun printWith(value: String) = println("Goodnight with: $value")

fun main() {
    // Prints "Hello with: value"
    // But I expected it to print "Goodnight with: value"
That's an interesting place where using an extension function changes behaviour a lot:
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interface Run {
    fun printWith(value: String)

fun Run.printA() = printWith("value")

val DefaultRun = object: Run {
    override fun printWith(value: String) = println("Hello with: $value")

class Custom: Run by DefaultRun {
    override fun printWith(value: String) = println("Goodnight with: $value")

fun main() {
    // Prints "Goodnight with: value"
🙌 1
good idea. Will just go with this route 👌