can I not do this? ```fun NavHostController.navig...
# compose
can I not do this?
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fun NavHostController.navigateBookDetail(
    bookId: Long,
    bookTitle: String
) {
    setState("bookId", bookId)
    setState("bookTitle", bookTitle)
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composable(Routes.BookDetail.path) {
        val bookId = navController.getBookIdStateFromState()
        val bookTitle = navController.getBookTitleFromState()

                bookId = bookId,
                bookTitle = bookTitle,
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class BookDetailViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val snippetRepository: SnippetRepository,
    savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {

    init {
        val bookid = savedStateHandle.get<Long>("bookId")
        val bookTitle = savedStateHandle.get<String>("bookTitle")
I'm getting back null in the viewmodel, the only way this would work if I have
AND I set the arguments as navArgs in the composable but can I not do the above and still get back the values in the statehandle? I don't want to send them in the "normal" way for example
🚫 1
All arguments need to be in the route, that's kind of the whole point
yea.. i know..just insisting on a broken solution, sunken cost, ok thanks Ian
Feels weird to be passing a book title at all - I'd assume your actual data source for book data (a repository layer, whether that is hooked into a local database or just a cache for data) would look up the book title and other details given the ID
true but I want the title to sit in the top bar, I assume it would be faster to get it there through nav args than to have to wait for a query but yea sure makes sense, I will actually go for that instead