Hi! I have a question about SKIE. We rencently add...
# touchlab-tools
Hi! I have a question about SKIE. We rencently added SKIE to our project, in order to replace some of own code generation we had to improve Swift interop, plus adding some more things like the enum support. This works out great, however we still need/have some of our own generated Swift files. Currently we are distirbuting these Swift sources files as an extra pod, since I was not able to get them compiled/linked into the shared framework itsef, however, SKIE is able to do that. It would be great if I can include our own Swift code as well. Is there any way to achieve this?
Hi! This discussion should answer your question. https://github.com/touchlab/SKIE/discussions/55
Awesome, thanks! I hoped/expected more people wanting to do this, but overlooked this thread. Thanks for the quick response