I've published all the externals I wrote for VS Co...
# javascript
I've published all the externals I wrote for VS Code (and other libraries) https://github.com/lppedd/kotlin-externals They're not pushed to Maven Central yet, as I want to first use them internally and see how they work.
🎉 4
0. Good work! 0.1. We need 1 mega-repository 🙂 Fast review results: 1. Vararg processing is invalid a.
...args: any[]
vararg args Any
) 2.
expected 3.
can be/must be replaced with more elegant solution a. We have some drafts for wrappers 4.
/`@JsFalse` problem partially solved in Seskar a. Check required if you have additional cases cc @Sergei Grishchenko
Thanks! Will fix them!
We need 1 mega-repository
I couldn't push them to kotlin-wrappers as they're not really auto-generated (as you can see from the readme), but hopefully at some point the generation process will be able to cover 99% of the cases without having to write a lot of additional code.
Btw, where did you find the
with Array?
The Union typealias is just to let me understand it's a union, so that when I go back to fix them, if ever Kotlin will support denotable unions, it will be easier
Union in TS != can't be strict in Kotlin
We have pills with Kotlin magic
👀 1
Solved the Array stuff. Now I need to wait for Seskar and then I can try to build a VS Code extensions with them
The most problematic part will be writing tests with Mocha. Usually Mocha test suites are top level in the file. However Kotlin doesn't have a top level concept for function calls.
Do you use Seskar in common code?
No everything is under
Although if https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-56618 gets done, I'll move externals under
JS externals in common main?
Ahh no sorry, that is for
, wrong issue
But anyway, the problem with Seskar is it's using the "old" way of attaching JS dependencies. If I recall correctly it was changed 1.3 or 1.4
JS externals in common main?
Now that I've read that issue again, it's exactly what is being proposed. At least for interfaces
Why do you need JS interfaces in common?
Better interop with JS consumers
🤪 1
It was easy after understanding the configuration order part https://github.com/lppedd/kotlin-externals/commit/f80f19b66027eeb0a003328267d047e90a194d43
Works fine now, thanks!