Any thoughts on having an annotation that could be...
# language-evolution
Any thoughts on having an annotation that could be applied to abstract functions or properties that would force an immediate child to implement it? The use case is that I have a hierarchy of abstract classes and don't control the final concrete class, but I want to ensure that one of the abstract classes in the hierarchy will implement the abstract function or property.
Why do you want to do this?
I'm building a framework that uses and I provide an
abstract class
that the user will extend from another
abstract class
(kotlin-inject will generate the concrete class with KSP). The intermediate abstract class needs to implement an abstract property, because KSP isn't able to generate it.
In my opinion, if this is a problem caused by code generation, then it's out of scope for a language evolution. Code generation is side-stepping what the language allows, so the language shouldn't adapt to use cases that stem from that. Instead, I would create a feature request to KSP or elsewhere. (of course, I'm not the one who makes the rules, but I think it's unlikely this leads to anything)
This isn't caused by code generation; my specific use case involves code generation, but the underlying issue is still there. Another example would be a library providing an abstract class meant to be extended by an abstract class from another library. There's the same lack of control of implementation.
Yes, but I believe it's on purpose. Abstract classes define classes "with holes" that implementations need to fill in. An abstract class cannot force an implementation to be of a specific kind; you can always implement them as
, anonymous objects, etc. The implementation has entire control over this. Your use case is an abstract class that wants to force its implementation to 1) be an abstract class, and 2; implement a subset of its methods. I do not think this aligns with the language's goals, however it could maybe be a #detekt rule or something similar? Or just a different design that doesn't require something like this at all.
It wouldn't force the implementation to be an abstract class, just that if it is an abstract class, it has to implement the annotated properties/functions. It also doesn't force what the implementation is, but that the direct child provides an implementation. This isn't such a large leap, because currently: 1. If the child of an abstract class is a concrete class, it must provide an implementation 2. If the child of an abstract class is an abstract class, it may provide an implementation I'm just asking for a way to bridge that. I don't think there's a way for static analysis to address this, since it would suppose that a consumer (which is not under your control) would be using static analysis.