I am wondering if following approach is okay or it...
# compose
I am wondering if following approach is okay or it will become a problem down the line. I have been using this approach where I setup an empty
companion object
in my data models and define an extension property to get a sample for that data model lazily.
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data class User(val name: String, val age: Int) {
    companion object

val User.Companion.mock by lazy { User(name = "John", age = 25) }
And I use this mock property to get sample data for my
in Jetpack Compose. Since code defined in
composable does not become part of live app or APK, I am wondering if it's okay to use this approach.
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fun UserInfo() {
If it works for you why not? Might be a bit confusing/annoying to get the
appear in autocomplete sometimes, but the alternatives aren't all that good either tbh
Just curious if it's going to cause some performance issues because we are just starting with this approach and heavily creating Previews for our UI components.
Performance of what?
The app itself. Maybe we could run into a case where user has a very low end phone with limited memory and our app might be consuming too much already.
Previews are not used from production code though, why would a function which creates an object which is not even used in the production app have an effect? You can make it a function instead of a lazy val if you are super concerned , but I would expect r8 to strip those out anyway
sounds safer. Thanks 👍