Any thoughts on this error `ClassNotFoundException...
# ktor
Any thoughts on this error
I was making basic changes to a login form and the POST handler is failing when I try to call
I added map<String, Any> to UserSession class. Session serialization does not like Any. It sassy no serialiser found. Annotate Any with ‘@Contextual’ . Not sure what it means
The error occurs because the
type doesn't have a serializer defined at the compile-time. You can read about the contextual serialization in the documentation of the kotlinx.serialization framework. Have you resolved the problem with the
Session serialization does not work when I use LocalDate members. I had to add
annotation. I tried to use KTORM orm instead of Exposed ORM. That also seems to have caused error. I had to convert KTORM instances into a
data class object. Serialization fails when any object is of type
. So trying to store a
bombs out.
It finally worked after I removed all
properties and made the above mentioned changes
KTORM ORM uses interfaces to define entity objects. So I can't add
@Contextual annotations
. KTOR Sessions and KTORM entity objects don't work with each other as of now. Probably I will find a way forward when I am more familiar with Kotlin type system
Not sure why it got sent to the channel