As of example when using the Search bar in Materia...
# compose-ios
As of example when using the Search bar in Material 3, you ofc get IME action search. But in iOS not possible to get focus in another Compose element. And iOS for some stupid reason dont have back button or gesture back or any button on keyboard to close it. Whats the standard solution to this? My so far pretty odd solution is to make sure having ime action = DONE or Next, to give user option to manually close keyboard from that. But is this a bug in CMP or missing feature need to deal with? Feels very odd to me, both Apple UX but CMP behaviour of keyboard in general on iOS. Any ideas is welcome. And no this doesnt work at all to change focus outside of software keyboard:
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fun ClearFocusBox(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    val focusManager = LocalFocusManager.current
        modifier.focusable().pointerInput(Unit) {
            detectTapGestures {
               focusManager.clearFocus(force = true)
    ) {
Hello! You can try following solution:
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private fun ClearFocusBox(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    val focusManager = LocalFocusManager.current
            .pointerInput(Unit) {
                detectTapGestures {
                    focusManager.clearFocus(force = true)
    ) {
Pay attention to Modifier.fillMaxSize()
I used that with fillMaxSize as input Modifier, not working, at least not in Bottomsheets or scrollable lists. Doesnt shift focus for me in iOS. Also could you clarify how to use it, maybe I added it in the wrong place, or missed some settings required to make it happen? Do I need to add it as the outer layer in my top root COmposable? I think the pointerInput is intercepted by other things like scroll events if touch on scrollable elements, which basically my entire app is?
We added this ClearFocusBox in fullscreen of ComposeApp to catch focus after TextField
👍 1
Cool will try it out again and see if helps put most other place. Could be that Circuit overlay intercept focus maybe, not sure.
@Dima Avdeev Just FYI it works in Android but not in iOS for me. Quite annoying as I only want the behaviour to work in iOS 😛
Hmm yeah ok, seems like partly working depending on where I use it. In basic screen like sample provided above it works, but not more complex scenario with like Circuit overlay + bottomsheet from M3.