Seems wear Compose M3 does not yet have Scaffold /...
# compose-wear
Seems wear Compose M3 does not yet have Scaffold / PositionIndicator basic components. Are they planned as more or less similar concepts and I can use temporary fork from M1 with adapted colors, or will new M3 paradigm be added and I should go M1 for now?
many devs are waiting for it... i tried to implement it, but, the colors and typography mechanics made me rethink so much and i let it idle while im using the material(not 3) library
Hi - we are continuing to build Material3 components, with the basic components that you need for most apps (Scaffold, TimeText) coming soon on the roadmap. The components remain subject to change at this point in the lifecycle, so we'd recommend that you still build production apps with the Material library for now.
I'm using Compose alpha and snapshots in prod on the main app since ages 😉 But ok I'll try to be patient on the wear part and start with m1. Thanks.