I was analyzing an app initialization and I saw Ko...
# koin-contributors
I was analyzing an app initialization and I saw Koin consuming a lot of time in flatten function. Exists some way to avoid/bypass this process? I'm thinking in two possibilities: 1 - start to use koin in background as documentation suggests. Is it stable, I'm not sure?. 2 - process this in IO (in app) and pass a set of flatten modules to koin. Probably depends of some customization in a Koin fork. Thread in Slack Conversation
@Marcello Galhardo @arnaud.giuliani @Pedro Francisco de Sousa Neto just to continue the discussion here if needed.
👍 2
Thank you to move the post, @Pedro Alberto! I've opened a issue about it. https://github.com/InsertKoinIO/koin/issues/1794
@Pedro Francisco de Sousa Neto do you have any measurements? How many modules are you trying to load, and how slow was it? If possible, please also collect the memory usage. You can use the Android Studio Profiler for that: https://developer.android.com/studio/profile
Yeah, we've. Of course, we can't share some details because it's not an open-source app. However, I updated the issue with some flame charts. 🙂