Hi there! I'm trying to integrate SqlDelight in my...
# multiplatform
Hi there! I'm trying to integrate SqlDelight in my project and I'm running into several issues at the very first steps. 1. The targets I have are androidMain, iosMain and desktopMain, but for desktopMain I cannot create an actual
class, because it does not recognize
, even though it's there in gradle and build completed
2. My
cannot be imported anywhere, including commonMain, because "example" is an unresolved reference
The attached image showcases both issues I've been following the official from here https://cashapp.github.io/sqldelight/2.0.1/multiplatform_sqlite/ Upd: issue 2 was caused by me misspelling the path, issue 1 is still relevant Upd2: problem solved completely, the docs are unclear about the nativeMain target, to make it work on desktop I had to use the jdbc driver