Hallo, I have a couple of questions: 1. in fir pre...
# compiler
Hallo, I have a couple of questions: 1. in fir predicates,
don't seem to return any results for me, I'm using them inside
of a
so supertypes should already be resolved correct? do I need to register the annotation somewhere first? 2. I need to access the resolved body of properties and functions in order to determine the classes i'm generating and their supertypes, none of the functions in the extension runs after
tho? Thank you!
1. You need to override
method in your extension and register your predicates there 2. "Can" in documentation means that it is the first phase on which some method may be called, but there is no guarantee that it will be called only on this phase. Generation of declarations in FIR works in request manner: if user wrote
and your plugin said that it will generate function
, then compiler will ask plugin to really generate it at the moment when it start to resolve this call (in reality it a little more complex, but the idea is that) So it all means that you can not rely on information, which is calculated on some later phase
1. I do register the predicate there, if i change the predicate to
and annotate the class itself it works, but if I annotate its parent and used
it doesn't as follows:
Copy code
annotation class Marker

interface Parent

class Child1 : Parent //isn't returned by parentAnnotated

class Child2 //is returned by annotated
2. That's very interesting to know, thanks for the explanation! my case is that the
i'm generating relies on some dsl the user is writing elsewhere, so if the user writes the following:
Copy code
class Describer : DescriptionHolder {
   override val description by describe {
      child("Child1") { .. }
      child("Child2") { .. }
The plugin would need the info inside the
block to know what classes to generate, but I can't rely on it being resolved correct? can my extension request it to be resolved at that moment?
1. In context of predicates "parent" means not "parent superclass", but syntaxic parent
Copy code
class Some {
    class Nested // parent is annotated with @Marker
Index of declarations, which can be found by predicates is created at very beggining of compilation, before any resolution So supertypes are unresolved at this stage too 2. It's not possible to generate something based on content of function bodies Assume you are adding some function to some class with plugin
Copy code
open class Base {
  protected open fun foo() {} // generated

class Derived : Base() {
    override fun foo() {}
If this class has an inheritor, then compiler may ask for generated function of this class during status resolve phase, to correctly determine the visibility of an override (in this case
should be
, based on
). And at this stage bodies are unresolved
Recently the colleague of mine wrote a very descriptive documentation of different compiler phases I recommend to check to get better understanding of how compiler works
@dmitriy.novozhilov 1. I see, that makes sense! 2. Is there anything equivalent to K1's retry with additional sources? I was able to achieve this with it 🤔 Thanks for the resources! really great stuff!
Is there anything equivalent to K1's retry with additional sources?
There isn't Originally it was made as ad-hock solution for kapt, and for K2 it was redesigned to use more cleaner approach. So now kapt and ksp are "separate tools, which call the compiler as service/library for sources analysis"
😓 1