Hello, I have been dabbling with some KotlinJS and...
# javascript
Hello, I have been dabbling with some KotlinJS and would appreciate if someone could answer some of my questions and give some tips + tricks. My Project structure. 1. MP project (called: api ): contains common code (data models) and a Ktor client for JS and JVM targets 2. Ktor server (called: backend): depends on project api and serves content from project api at routes (Ktor resources defined in project api) 3. Nuxt + Vue frontend (called: web-frontend): a website where users can login to their account, see hiscores, make purchases, etc.. 4. A Desktop App (called: game-launcher): a JVM app where users can login to their account and launch the game, make purchases, etc.. My goals: 1. Define data models in project api that I can use in projects web-frontend and game-launcher 2. Define a Ktor HTTP client for JS and JVM targets that can interact with project backend My questions: 1. How should I handle the JS distribution of project api? 2. How should I install the JS distribution in project web-frontend? 3. How should I use the JS distribution in project web-frontend? • How do I import it? • Can I use it in typescript? What I have tried: I have tried various configurations now, kind of hopping all over the slack + internet + github to see if anything just works but am failing. If people can give me some suggestions I will try it and post my progress with it in this thread.
As far as I understand from your description, the API project should be of type
and it should target
. It should also specify
so that
-ed interfaces or classes are correctly visible from JS/TS and TS types are outputted.
How should I install the JS distribution
How do I import it?
Using an top-level npm/yarn/pnpm workspace, pointing packages discovery to where the K/JS API distribution is outputted. You can then declare a dependency on it, as you'd do for any npm package, in your Vue side.