Hi <@U02BK8ABTQF>, I came across this project <Sho...
# gsoc
Hi @Artem Kobzar, I came across this project Showkase, I found this project pretty close to Storybook, excluding actions and controls I think it pretty much does what we want right? Or maybe I am understanding the project a little bit differently? 😅
👍 1
Hi Lalit, I had checked this but couldn't find any reference to support for desktop apps. Did you find anything in regards to this?
Yeah Alwin, I guess this is not supported for Kotlin Multiplatform out of the box, I also couldn't found any resources regarding desktop or web platforms. But nevertheless this could be a good reference material for us 🙂
Yes, it could be like this, and an excellent reference. The primary goal is with KMP to generate story applications for the platforms it's developed. So, you describe stories for common components and platform-specific (for Android and desktop, for example). After the preprocessing, you will have a UI library application for Android and desktop.
👍 1
@Artem Kobzar Showkase's UI library can be accessed via an activity when on Android. Is this the exact implementation on all four platform that you are looking for? For example:
Hmm. Could you please tell me more? You say that the project could generate Web applications for the components library. Can it also generate iOS or Desktop applications for the component stories? If yes, it makes sense to contribute to this project rather than create a new one.
According to my knowledge this only seems compatible with Android only for now.
Not web apps. But only android as of now
In debug application build, the UI library is attached with the application itself.
Like this:
This is the example I created with Compose Multiplatform, but only works with android