Is it possible to make content pull with indicator...
# compose
Is it possible to make content pull with indicator with latest
composable in Material 3 1.2.0? 🧵
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val pullToRefreshState = rememberPullToRefreshState()

if (pullToRefreshState.isRefreshing) {
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        // Refresh data (synchronize)

Box(modifier = Modifier.nestedScroll(pullToRefreshState.nestedScrollConnection)) {
    if (friendsList?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
        NowFriendsList(friendsList = friendsList)
    } else if (friendsList?.isEmpty() == true) {
        ConnectNow(navigateSearchFriends = navigateSearchFriends)
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopCenter),
        state = pullToRefreshState
This implementation overlaps underlying content with refresh indicator. I'd like content to follow then indicator (to be swiped down too)
Not sure what exactly it is that you are seeing, but are your NowFriendsList and ConnectNow composables scrollable themselves too? The samples here;l=31?q=Rememberpulltorefresh&sq= show some ways how to use it, you might be able to take some inspiration from there?
Yes, they are LazyColumn.
So what is it that you are seeing, versus what you are expecting?
I believe it works as expected, so when I pull to refresh, indicator goes over the LazyColumn element. Requirement is for LazyColumn to be pushed down by the indicator, than go back up when refresh is done.
I believe this is iOS behavior.
Well, re-reading your original messages I understand what you meant now, but I did not before 😄 If you want the other content to be moved, you can’t have them on a Box, it’d have to be on a column, the pull to refresh being above the content below. Now that might require some nested scrolling connection stuff to work in the first place, but if you have it on a box it will definitely just render as a box would.
Oh that's a good idea, gonna try that.