Hmm need to check, I am at version 3.4.2 of Koin a...
# koin
Hmm need to check, I am at version 3.4.2 of Koin and bumped to 3.5.3, and suddenly compile/sync super slow and getting issues on all modules:
Copy code
core/data/build/classes/kotlin/iosArm64/main/cinterop/data-cinterop-GoogleSignIn.klib does not exist

Possible solution:
 - Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at <>
Also for iOS getting:
e: Could not find "co.touchlab:stately-common"
Is it something I have missed that I need to do to prepare for 3.5.0+ release?
I ran into the same thing. TouchLab's Kevin Galligan fixed it:
The workaround is simple btw: set the Stately version yourself in your project.
Hehe yeah I just found exact same thing, cross checking sqdelight and Koin. I soon would like to have a BOM for all libraries, so I know they are compatible with each other ๐Ÿ˜„
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KMP-awesome-BOM ๐Ÿ˜„
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Thanks, I probably will delete Sqdelight as not really need it at the moment, but not sure.
Trying to use as few KMP libs as possible, as I am getting crazy about this mayhem of libs not working with each other.
I wouldn't worry too much about that. I've never had any incompability issues aside from this one. Note that I don't use SqlDelight but still ran into this issue, as it's coming from Koin using the outdated version.
Also there seems to be some new introduced problems in CMP 1.6.0-rc01+ in general, a lot of transtivie deps changes here impacting iOS especially.
I did notice library Circuit downgraded to CMP 1.5.11 because of so much struggle as of example.
Just the font padding one, right? And for CMP iOS, which is still alpha, that should be expected
I don't see the Circuit downgrade, I do see a PR for bumping to 1.6
I wish it was only fonT padding ๐Ÿ˜„ But also Google announced the font padding like many months ago, change default value. Kind of funny it comes as surprise for so many to be honest.
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Hmm maybe they rollbacked the downgrade, because underlying libs updated to not depend on those CMP things. Not sure to be honest. Trying to keep an eye of all common libs, which to use how and with what magic Gradle constants.
At moment the main struggle seems to be Kotlin cocoapods plugin not behaving, together with transtivie deps and cross library deps. Many iOS issues with dialogs and lifecycle stuff is solved, and all keyboard things kind a ๐Ÿ™‚ And then personally I am missing APIs bridge iOS vs Android stupid simple things, like formatting currnecies, locales, or communicating with keychain in iOS vs Androids equivalent. No problem write expect/actual, but when gets into that for basic things it tends to be, wouldve it went faster using iOS vs Android native instead. But I think at moment still earns the time and effort, of using one ๐Ÿ™‚
Hey, regarding the original issue, it may be worth a shot to check this thread:
I really wanted to get to the bottom of what was wrong, so it may help to check out other libraries in your codebase as well.
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@Mofe Ejegi Right, I bumped basically every single library to latest and greatest and no cigarr. It does work to compile anyway I think, when doing clean rebuild + build again.
In my case I can build iOS from XCode, but not from Android Studio, even though it worked from Android STUdio earlier. Not sure if couple with AGP version or such.
Also adding this into build phases to crashlytics didnt do things easier ...
will try to push something soon about 3.5.4 ๐Ÿ‘
@Jacob Ras just to know, did you use some database-kmp before? If yes, what was it?
@Pedro Francisco de Sousa Neto not yet! For now I have an in-memory implementation of my repositories in
, for projects that are still in development. Once they're approaching go-live data I'll see if Room KMP is available, compare it with SqlDelight (and any others I might come across before that) and pick the one that seems best fit for me ๐Ÿ™‚
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