Hey there. I have a string in strings.xml that con...
# compose-android
Hey there. I have a string in strings.xml that contains a link such as this:
<string name="my_link">This is a <a href='<https://www.hello.world>'>Hello World</a></string>
How can I render this as a clickable span in a Compose
? I assume I have to turn it into an AnnotatedString, but I can't find much about how to turn an Android Text into an AnnotatedString. Is there an existing mechanism?
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but we do have markdown in some places rendered by this https://github.com/halilozercan/compose-richtext
Not really; we keep all our strings in strings.xml for translation. And I'm looking for a way to conveniently load strings that contain these hrefs. It works pretty well for TextView.
You can probably use View interop to get the same behavior then
For the record: Stackoverflow has an answer that also works https://stackoverflow.com/a/70162451 It translates a SpannedText into an AnnotatedString. It's trivial to add URLAnnotation as another case (which is missing in the SO answer)