a question about intelliJ, hope its ok to ask here...
# compose-desktop
a question about intelliJ, hope its ok to ask here. when i have that bottom windows with the "run" logmessages, how can i filter to see only messages containing "xyz" ? i can do it in android studio but cant find it for intelliJ. i can only search but not filter
Sorry, but in IntelliJ IDEA run configuration with Compose for Desktop you can't filter messages. Only search is available.
oh :( will the be fixed in the future? or is there any workaround?
My workaround was to: • use a logging framework • add a “log filter” property in my gradle.properties • use the “log filter” property in my logging framework to filter the logs Basically do it at the app level, not at the IDE level. Changing the filter requires a restart of the app (which doesn’t matter for my app), but you could make it dynamic.