Congrats on the release of 1.2.2! :tada: As I und...
# arrow
Congrats on the release of 1.2.2! 🎉 As I understand it, the optics generation has been changed a fair bit since 1.1.x, and we've encountered some issues with it in 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 that are fixed now. Thanks, we're really looking forward to 1.2.x and checking out the new APIs that follow! However, I've found a couple of other edge cases when dealing with sealed hierarchies that still generate code that doesn't compile. Filed them over at #3380 and #3381.
Thank you for reporting @sindrenm! We'll look into them asap! 🙏
Thanks for being awesome! 🙌
Don't see something in the releases over at and I was like, is renovate hallucinating this release? 😅 Is there a changelog somewhere?
Arrow has gotten so big it's become a multi day release cycle doing it in between work, household with just 2 people orchestrating it 😅 We hope to finish everything today, with proper announcements.
Yeh it makes sense, sorry about that 😅 It’s just that renovate really is rushing forward, and I was just a bit confused initially, that’s all 😊
No worries ☺️ We appreciate all your support! I am the same when I see a new Kotlin version pop up by Renovate 😄 But it's great because I hope it helped @sindrenm track the issue for us early, and we're going to try to fix it and probably announce 1.2.3 directly instead of 1.2.2.
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Yeah, I considered writing “release” in quotes in the original message since wasn't closed either, but I figured since the artifacts were present, it was fair to say that it was released-ish. 😎
We had all kind of things go wrong in the past. There was a time where we pressed the release button at the same time for announcement, and maven central but not sure if I saw that go right even once 😅
Sonatype, and Maven Central have become slow and unreliable at times becomes everyone is writing too much software these days
Yeah, better to be sure it's actually out and available before announcing, I suppose. 👍
Thanks for your report @sindrenm, Merging, and restarting release process. You can expect the announcement tonight 😉
Hot damn, that was fast! Thanks a lot!
🔥 1
Congrats on the “release” of 1.2.3! 🎉
Thank you @sindrenm!! 🥳