This might be a question out of left field... but ...
# grpc
This might be a question out of left field... but I'll ask it anyway. So I've never used grpc before, but I feel like I sorta get the point of it. I'm using googles encryption library called tink which apprently saves stuff into a protobuf format (kinda cool), but now all I want to do is grab a "deserialized" version of the public key generated by tink which is "KeyData value is still a binary serialized proto." Can I just put a string value of
through a protobuf deserializer? I guess i have the proto file so it should be possible?
you can try protobufpal
Yeah I tried that and it failed unfortunately
Here is the full public_key.json
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  "primaryKeyId": 1358657949,
  "key": [
      "keyData": {
        "typeUrl": "<|>",
        "value": "EgYIARABGAIaIJn0ZHt4NmblUzZZP/NKmNyHB1A+FOPTajWZU4igYNtY",
        "keyMaterialType": "ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC"
      "status": "ENABLED",
      "keyId": 1358657949,
      "outputPrefixType": "TINK"
and the tink proto is above. and protobufpal just fails to decode
seems like the message is HpkePublicKey, but I can't find it in the definition you provided
also, it seems a bit short for a public key 🤔
If this piques your curiosity, you can generate a tink keyset on your own machine 1. Install tink via brew available here: 2. Create keyset via tinkey
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tinkey create-keyset \
  --key-template DHKEM_X25519_HKDF_SHA256_HKDF_SHA256_AES_256_GCM \
  --out-format json \
  --out keyset.json
3. Generate json file with public keyset from the previously created keyset.json
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tinkey create-public-keyset --in keyset.json --out public.json
4. Inside of public.json you will find the base64 key value
but yeah. overall. im just confused how states that "Note that the KeyData value is still a binary serialized proto." and how im supposed to unpack that proto. lol
OK so I think I've solved the mystery The JSON you've provided earlier is a message of type
, it contains an array of
, which contains a
The content of your
is what you found in the
Copy code
  "primaryKeyId": 1358657949,
  "key": [
      "keyData": {
        "typeUrl": "<|>",
        "value": "EgYIARABGAIaIJn0ZHt4NmblUzZZP/NKmNyHB1A+FOPTajWZU4igYNtY",
        "keyMaterialType": "ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC"
      "status": "ENABLED",
      "keyId": 1358657949,
      "outputPrefixType": "TINK"
which, essentially, is this part:
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  "typeUrl": "<|>",
  "value": "EgYIARABGAIaIJn0ZHt4NmblUzZZP/NKmNyHB1A+FOPTajWZU4igYNtY",
  "keyMaterialType": "ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC"
If you check the definition of the
field, you will see it is defined as a
type : the value is an opaque byte array, you can't go further
the value you've provided in your first message
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it's not a
message, it's the value contained within the
... 👀
okay, i read that a few times, but i still feel like im missing something. how do i actually get the base64 key out of that?
what value do you want to obtain? If you're searching for the value of your key, then it seems to be that one:
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here it's the base64 representation, but you can convert it to a byte array
yeah so i need the base64'd version, but my server doesn't accept it. my server team said its because when i send the base64 version it's actually still a proto
Which seems to match what tink docs state... that its still a proto?
oooh, right!
however they don't provide the message definition?
this tool allows you to decode a protobuf message without it's schema
you can see the field
is a byte array
this might be your value
Okay, so now I guess I gotta figure out how to do that in kotlin
i kinda dont understand how there are two fields (named 2 and 3 respectively) but maybe thats a protobuf thing
field is the `3`rd one
it contains your key
okay, so i can ship the hpke.proto within my kotlin app, use that to decode the public key value (like
) and then I should be able to grab the actual public key
❤️ 1
I owe you a beer (many) or coffee. if you have a buymeacoffee or anything please send it over. this has been KILLING ME
should have known to look for another proto. lol
haha, don't worry, I'm happy to be helpful ^^
I have to actually try this in practice (later) today in kotlin code, so ill be back here if i come across any hiccups, but yeah this seems like it should be it. As long as I can take this last byte array and base64 it, then i should be all set. i honestly don't typically work with binary data, byte arrays, base64 etc, so I'm just assuming there should be a way to go from byteArray to base64. lol
so far just trying to blindly throw that public_key into a byte array is a no go
because the byte type is signed, its range is -128 to 127 😉
you have to shift all your values
or use UByte
but you also could provide the hexadecimal string and convert it to a byte array!
I used tink for my slack kmp project and regretted.. since it’s ios support with cocoapods had an issue .. i ended up using my own solution.. with chacha20 and RSA
yeah. tink is weird. on the other hand. it is quite an ambitious project. and im sure thats hard to get right.
Hey @Johann Pardanaud I'm kind of veering off the topic of protobufs... but im still working on this from 4 days ago so I figured I'd ask here since we had a pretty good exploration session before. The thing I'm basically trying to do is get my ciphertext and pull out the individual pieces of it. i.e.
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val cipheredTextWireFormat: ByteArray = encryptor.encrypt("hello".toByteArray(), ByteArray(0))
println("got ciphered text hex")
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got ciphered text hex
According to the docs... the ciphertext wireformat for Hybrid encryption is
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prefix || encapsulated_key || encrypted_data
So now I'm kinda stuck on trying to extract
from that cipheredTextWireFormat Any chance you know how to pull those two values out?
This page describes Tink's wire format for keys and primitive output. The documentation is aimed at cryptographers who want to add additional languages to Tink and maintainers of other high-level crypto libraries who want a wire compatible mode. It is not intended for general audiences.
are you SURE you need to extract the encrypted data from the binary? 😄
I don't really know anything about Tink, but it seems like this value should be considered "opaque" and only readable by Tink?
Honestly, I can't really help here. The prefix can be present or missing, the encrypted_key should contain the length of encrypted_data, but what is the length of encrypted_key? I really don't know how to decode this binary value, or I would have to spend hours on this task 😅
all good. just wanted to saniyt check to make sure it wasn't something simple. appreciate your two cents!
👍 1
oh. i think i know what i can do. since this is open source i can try to trace/debug the tink code to see how it encrypts things... hm. maybe thats a gameplan.
okay. i think im getting somewhere. looks like these are just byte arrays concatenated. nothing fancy. no pipe characters or anything. the only thing i can't seem to figure out is "prefix", but trying to look into the tink code to see if I can figure it out
👍 1