Is there way to force code style to have trailing ...
# intellij
Is there way to force code style to have trailing comma but with one exception for when cases
Copy code
return when (view) {
                    is ContractView,
                    is ProductTile,
                    -> view.tag == text

                    else -> false
Looks a bit odd.
youtrack 2
You could write a custom Ktlint rule. I’m currently working on a package of rule flavors that adjusts a few things from the Ktlint official style. Feel free to check it out for examples (you’ll have to dig around in the code a bit)
I think it's invalid to call it useless in 2nd case?
Copy code
fun foo(bar: Any)  {
    val a = when (bar) {
        is Int,  //"Useless trailing comma" not reported
        -> true
        else -> false
Can be modified to
Copy code
fun foo(bar: Any)  {
    val a = when (bar) {
        is Int,  //"Useless trailing comma" not reported
        is Float,
        -> true
        else -> false
Without having a diff on the line with "useless" comma.
I reckon in this case it can be reported as useless on the line with a Float check.
Or we need to add an option to the inspection settings...
@Emil Kantis What do you think?
I have looked again, and it looks as by-design behaviour in the second case as we lose an initial sense of trailing comma.
Anton, sorry coming back to my original question - is it correct behaviour? I believe in some extent it is. So I wonder if we could have a settings to override it.
I think it should be a separate rule all-together.. like "Single when-clause should be on a single line" to force
is X -> Y
to not contain linebreaks if it's just a single case
It is quite unclear indeed how we should proceed in this case. Maybe the best way will be adding an additional option to the inspection settings for this case (when condition + several options to check in a raw). It more looks like an unsupported yet case.