Hi <@U02BK8ABTQF> I am interested in incremental ...
# gsoc
Hi @Artem Kobzar I am interested in incremental compilation to wasm. Are there any issues related to wasm compiler I can try? Or any prerequisites. I have made a toy language which has given me some idea about compilers in general.
There is a list of the good first issues. You can find it here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues?u=1&amp;q=%23KT%20Subsystems:%20%7BBackend.%20Wasm%7D,%20%7BTools.%20Wasm%7D%20tag:%20%7BUp%20For%20Grabs%7D%20 But please sync it with @Vishal Patil because he is already working on one of them.
👍 1
Seems like this is the issue that @Vishal Patil is working on: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-63230/WASM-printlnnull-prints-ul
👍 1