Hello, we are happy to open source simple Compose ...
# compose
Hello, we are happy to open source simple Compose Multiplatform navigation library - Tiamat 🤗 Medium - Source code
👍 3
Hello, nice, does it support js ?
Hello, not yet due to lack support from Compose Multiplatform) Feel free to request feature 😉
Some questions: • Does this retain the navigation history through process death? • Does it support predictive back gesture handling in-between destinations and/or when you are gonna be exiting the app? • After process death, if your VM has a
, does that also get retained as it should? • What about deep link support, I saw it mentioned in the docs but I didn’t find anything in the linked sample, but I might be missing something
@Stylianos Gakis Hi there. • yes, it reteint nav history by storing it in the
via own saver. !WARNING! backstack stored via savable yet DATA-store logic base on storeMode and might be lost during process death, see doc, it is explaind in there • predictive back - cant say for 100%, it uses default back handler for android, custom for jvm and nothing for iOS. We may take a look into this direction, just create featureRequest. • all savestates rememberSavable are restored, using
storeageMode = Savable
will also retain all nav args/results - see doc • deeplink itself is about to alterate backstack, we just letting you alterate it as you want, so you free to use any kind of deeplinks logic. EG: deeplinkg smth/catalog=1&item=2. You can parese is as you want and just alterate backstack smth like
Copy code
      add(CatalogScreen, CatalogData(id=1))
    navController.replace(DetailScreen, DetailData(id=2))
https://github.com/ComposeGears/Tiamat/blob/main/example/composeApp/src/androidMain/kotlin/content/examples/platform/SavedStateScreen.kt#L66 here is example of
data store & restore (!read instruction on how to test this beheaviour, it's at line 31 in same file)
Just did an overview, looks really good!
❤️ 1