Is there any reason why I would use sonar quebe ha...
# detekt
Is there any reason why I would use sonar quebe having already detekt and ktlint?
🤷‍♂️ That's your decission. SonarQube gives features than what detekt and ktlint does not have (happens the same the other way around). It depends how much you value those other features. You should use a tool just because "it should be used". It should be used because it solves you a problem. If detekt and ktlint solves your problems then you don't need SonarQube.
Got you. At this point I don't have a specific reason tbh. I just want to preserve code quality to the kotlinlang standards. Context: management is asking to integrate SonarQuebe because they have it in other systems. I guess probably one sales agent told them it has a great integration with Android and iOS and they want to squeeze the value of the license we are paying for. We use it on the web and services. The problem I have is that it will add build time, which for us is not free because we pay for pipelines. And I am afraid it won't bring any valuable thing to code quality other than what we have with detekt/ktlint already.
I understand and you are probably right. Also I find in some cases that management values more a metic that says the quality than the real quality. I imagine that detekt and ktlint doesn't provide pretty charts that maybe they value. In my case I don't use sonarqube exactly for the reasons you talk about. We feel that those two tools are good enough to ensure the quality that we want.
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