JIC <https://twitter.com/bashorov/status/176334639...
# webassembly
Any updates regarding wasm gc for safari?
Looks like a technical part is basically done (one PR left to be merged) — all our compiler tests passed and demo apps works with and without optimizations. When it will be shipped hard to predict, I think, in the worst case, in next major iOS in Q3-Q4, in the best case, next minor updates ~Q2.
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Another hope for EU based folks Chrome and Firefox teams will release a new version with own engines leveraging new capabilities in upcoming iOS 17.4.
Whats the plan if Apple doesn't ship GC as part of next Safari version? (WWDC today) We can't be waiting years for Apple to pull thumbs out of their butts to catch up the rest of the web.
For environments with unsufficient wasm support, we can use JS as a fallback.
Not for Compose MultiPlatform that only works with WebA 😞
But also does that work now? Using JS as a fallback?
Or that a planned feature?
It’s possible to compile Compose MP app with both K/JS and K/Wasm
But it’s separate targets, so you need compile and use proper version yourself
Here is how it’s done in kotlinconf app.
Oh, interesting, wondering if it's worth updating the readme and example as they all suggest its' wasm only: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform?tab=readme-ov-file#web
Feel free to file an issue.
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