I'm trying to use raw sockets in ktor. I can send ...
# ktor
I'm trying to use raw sockets in ktor. I can send messages, but I seemingly can't receive them.
never gets called. Ideas?
Copy code
val receiveChannel = socket.openReadChannel()
val sendChannel = socket.openWriteChannel(autoFlush = true)

launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
  while (true) {
    println("awaiting readUtf8Line")
    val greeting = receiveChannel.readUTF8Line()
    if (greeting != null) {
    } else {
      print("got a line that's null?")
If I instead use my terminal to make a socket connection, I can indeed receive messages. Just looks like something is wrong with receiving in kotlin? Maybe it doesn't like readUTF8Line, but I'm kinda confused on how to use readFully
Can you share the logic of the other end?
I'm not in control of the other end, but let me see if I can decompile the other code.
Just checked, looks like its not doing anything crazy, just sending a string as utf8.
If I go back to my code and do
Copy code
receiveChannel.read(consumer = { byteBuffer ->
    Log.e("FOO", "Got a message of ${Charsets.UTF_8.decode(byteBuffer)}")
then that seems to work fine. but
val greeting = receiveChannel.readUTF8Line()
does not. very weird.
Can you check that the sent string ends with a line break (
Do you know if it's possible to check that from the byteBuffer?
Do you know if the \n is a standard thing for sockets or something?
That's just implementation of the
which expects the line break.
Gotcha. That's probably it. If I connect to the socket with my macs terminal via netcat (
) then I do not see a /n character.
so thinking about this more. im actually sending json back and forth. so maybe I don't want to actually readUTF8Line, and maybe reading byteBuffer is actually what i want. hmmmm.