Trying out new kotlinx-datetime `0.6.0-RC` version...
# apollo-kotlin
Trying out new kotlinx-datetime
version and getting what looks like crash in apollo on iOS.....more in thread
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Uncaught Kotlin exception: kotlin.native.internal.IrLinkageError: Function 'parse' can not be called: No function found for symbol 'kotlinx.datetime/LocalDateTime.Companion.parse|parse(kotlin.String){}[0]'
    at 0   Confetti                            0x101188ecb        kfun:kotlin.Throwable#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 119 
    at 1   Confetti                            0x101182037        kfun:kotlin.Error#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 115 
    at 2   Confetti                            0x1011beed3        kfun:kotlin.native.internal.IrLinkageError#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 115 
    at 3   Confetti                            0x1011bef8b        kfun:kotlin.native.internal#ThrowIrLinkageError(kotlin.String?){}kotlin.Nothing + 163 
    at 4   Confetti                            0x1014c62df        kfun:com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.KotlinxLocalDateTimeAdapter#fromJson(com.apollographql.apollo3.api.json.JsonReader;com.apollographql.apollo3.api.CustomScalarAdapters){}kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime + 235
this is confetti project which is currently using
of apollo
looks like this change which is probably source but not abi compatible
Aha, does it not figure out to use the default parameter somehow when you do not pass it in? 🫣
default parameters are 'unfolded' at compile time
and AK was compiled with the old signature that only expect one argument 😅
I guess datetime could have kept the old signature and make it call the new one, to make this a non breaking change
They probably do want to do this though no? If you report this bug and ask them to add this function (possibly as a deprecated/hidden one) for these compatibility reasons and then make a patch release?
Could be an interesting one yes!
Since it's still in 0.x versions maybe they don't care too much on API stability yet? Not sure 🙂
Still worth a file, I can do it with a link to this chat if you’re busy 😊
go for it 🙂
Please do correct me if I wrote something wrong, the terminology (mainly around ABI compatibility) around this is not something I am 100% familiar with
Looks all good 🙂
looks like fix already in the works!
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We’re probably about to witness a lightning fast bug found to reported to fixed turnaround 😅
John, I see that you were working on Confetti when you encountered this bug. Do you have a branch with this change pushed which you could possibly show to them so that they can reproduce it themselves too? Because I imagine doing it the other way around, somehow building their library with that fix would be more work in comparison. I am not sure how I would even do that really, clone it locally, build it and publish to maven local, import it and so on? I don’t actually know 🫣
git clone <>
git checkout restore-native-bincompat
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
; Add the
repository to your build.gradle; Depend on
had to do this yesterday with Ktor for some obscure reason 😅
Ah okay so it was just that, thanks 😊. John if you got the confetti code pushed I could perhaps give it a try later today, if you are busy to try this yourself
Tried it just now and confirmed it fixed the issue
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and using new formatting apis now as well 🙂
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That’s awesome, I’m waiting to see the PR to see those formatting APIs in action, I’ve only read the docs for now and they look very nice to use
yeah, will create PR with changes once version is available with that fix